Kia ora Members

I trust you have all survived the Covid years.

Firstly, I would like to thank all members that joined the Council for the PMVI AGM back in November 2023, at which time I announced that due to a PINZ constitution time limit for board members, I was reluctantly having to step down from the PINZ board, I now able to confirm that David Baxter is now our board representative.

As winter approaches and the days grow shorter, I’m please to say that the Plant & Machinery profession is seeing an upturn in instructions from banks wanting to have the comfort of a bona-fide registered valuation of assets being financed, the same upturn in business can also been seen with regards to insurance valuation work.

Please ensure you are on the valuation panels of the financial and insurance institutions.

On another note, we now have confirmation of our PMVI 2024 Conference, which is booked for the Distinction Hotel Christchurch on November 20 & 21.

See the flier below for further information. If you have any suggestions for speakers or content please contact myself or a council representative.

Steve Bown FPINZ
Plant & Machinery Valuers Institute
Inspiring a new generation of Plant & Machinery Valuers
One of the priorities for your PMVI Council is to promote the profession to more young people, and encourage them to consider a career in the sector.
A huge thank-you to Andrew Liew for flying the flag at this year's Emerging Professionals Day held in Christchurch.
In his words:' Assessing the value of machinery and equipment in different industries ranging from airports to breweries is always incredibly intriguing and fun.'

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