PROMINZ President's Update

The Government has made their intentions clear that in this term they wish to bring regulation to the residential property management sector.
PINZ CEO Viv Gurrey and I have been advocating on behalf of  PROMINZ our view of what needs to happen to make real change that recognises residential property managers as a professional community in their own right.
Meetings have been held with Housing & Urban Development (HUD) and we have attended a stakeholder meeting with other property management providers.
We have also scheduled a meeting with the Minister Poto Williams in May. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to elevate, and gain recognition for, the significant role residential property managers provide in housing New Zealanders.

We have also had a meeting with the Privacy Commission as they look at bringing in new rules and guidelines regarding what information property managers

 are allowed or not allowed to request to seek from potential tenants.
I have been a critic of previous guidelines made by the Privacy Commission without understanding clearly the role of property managers, how we operate, and the differing legislation that we have to comply with.
I am delighted that they have entered a process of consultation and our hope is that any new rules and guidelines will protect the tenant but also allow us to properly vet potential tenants. Read more