Advice for Residential Property Managers

  • Inspections building up?
  • Not sure when you will be able to do physical inspections?
  • Want to impress your owners?

Then thanks to the hard work from our  PROMINZ Council Member Vicky Harris, we have Virtual Inspections. What’s more it costs nothing but your time! You only need to register for a FREE Zoom account.
Start approaching your tenants to see if they are willing to be part of a trial?

NOTE: We would expect that even at Alert Level Three, older Residential Property Managers and those with underlying health conditions may want to employ this method to reduce the risk of contracting Covid-19.  
This from Tenancy Services website:
Regular property inspections are important. They're also an opportunity for landlords and tenants to keep in contact with each other.
Important COVID-19 information on inspections: At Alert Level 4, people should stay in their own homes and only essential businesses are running. This means that in-person inspections are only possible up to and including Alert Level 3. Inspections at Alert Level 3 must still maintain social distancing and comply with the Residential Tenancies Act.
Many insurers require landlords to do regular inspections.
The Insurance Council of New Zealand (ICNZ) has recommended that if landlords can’t access their property to carry out regular three monthly inspections, the inspection should take place as soon as practical after health clearances.
Inspecting the property virtually may be an option; but landlords need to be careful not to interfere with tenants’ reasonable peace, comfort or privacy. Any virtual inspections should only happen if the landlord and tenants agree.
We encourage tenants to work with the landlord to allow virtual inspections where possible. However, tenants have the right to refuse a virtual inspection.
Tenants can use the opportunity of a virtual inspection to let their landlord know about any maintenance needed on their property. However, tenants must be realistic about when non-urgent issues can be fixed during this time.
Landlords will need to comply with their obligations under the Privacy Act 1993 if they want to keep any footage or images. It’s a good idea to discuss this with your tenant when arranging a virtual inspection.

Below are a couple of useful instructive information sheets Residential Property Managers may find helpful. 


Virtual Property Inspections - Property Managers

Virtual Property Inspections - Tenant