A Registered Plant and Machinery Valuer is an asset valuer (non real-property) who has been registered and recognised by Plant and Machinery Valuers Institute and the Property Institute of New Zealand as an expert in their field of practice. 

Registered Plant and Machinery Valuers are qualified to provide independent infrastructure, plant and equipment valuation advice for fixed assets including:

  • mobile plant industrial equipment,
  • fixed assets within the manufacturing, processing and tourism industries,
  • airports & ports,
  • local body and other reticulation assets.

Other areas of specialisation including aviation, marine and all aspects of heavy machinery.

Registered PMVI Valuers are awarded an annual registration certificate once the annual prerequisites are met.

If you are a Registered PMVI Valuer needing to renew your registration, please complete the

Annual Declaration form

2024 Registered Plant and Machinery Valuers

(Correct as of 29 February 2024)

Graham Barton
David Baxter
Robert Berghuis
Steve Bown
Richard Chapman
Marvin Clough
Wendell Cook
David Field
John William Freeman
Alexander Hayward
Anthony Pratt
Ian Ramsey
Francis Rawiri
Murray Rendle
Ray Tilling
Peter Todd
Craig Scoullar
Robert Slater
Brett Williams
Andrew Liew