Property and Valuation Standards Board

The objective of the Board is to develop guidance for PINZ members.
The Board will develop new guidance papers and valuation protocols as well as update existing guidance papers and promulgate International Valuation Standards, as prepared by the IVSC.

Property and Valuation Standards Board Terms of Reference 

Committee Members
Blue Hancock (Chair)
John Darroch
Jason Williams
Jay Sorensen
Ian Campbell
Michael Bradbury
Murray Rendle
Avella Taylor
Rebecca Johnston
Ben Johnson
Alice Liu (Future Leader - Observer)



The Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Sub-Committee's objective is to assist the NZIV Council by ensuring the provision of good quality education content and professional development opportunities for members, in line with the NZIV CPD Policy and 1948 Valuers Act.

Council Sub-Committee - Continuing Professional Development Terms of Reference


Committee Members
Rebecca van Etten (Chair)
Matt Tooman
Matt Snelgrove
Hamish Bills
Abdul-Rasheed Amidu

Advancement Interviews

The NZIV membership sub-committee complete an initial review of applications for Associate membership (ANZIV). The Councillors review applications against the criteria set out by the ANZIV Process Document. The Councillor's provide advice and comments to the Branch on the members' application. This ensures that the quality of applications is consistent across the country.

ANZIV Interview Process Document

Committee Members
Andrew White
Matt Snelgrove

Professional Conduct Committee

The role of the PCC is to ensure that where the NZIV decides to investigate a complaint against a Registered Valuer, a properly constituted Committee undertakes that investigation fairly, in accordance with the rules of natural justice. Accordingly the PCC acts as an investigative body.  Although it is constituted by NZIV Council and acts only in accordance with its delegation it makes its decisions with respect to each complaint independently. 

The PCC operates under a formal Terms of Reference, which sets out the role, functions and procedures of the PCC.

Under the Valuers Act 1948, the Valuer General, who is appointed by the Crown, performs a range of functions on its behalf, including the investigation of certain complaints against Registered Valuers. Accordingly, each party has a statutory role in the regulation of Registered Valuers and a common interest, as investigating parties, in the efficient and robust determination of complaints against Registered Valuers. As such, NZIV and the Valuer General have recorded and entered into a Memorandum of Understanding.

PCC Operating Guidance  

Complaints Flowchart

Committee Members
Steven Dunlop (Chair) 
Mark Dow
Nigel Kenny
William Blake

Martin Veale

Christopher Coakley


Andrew White (Chair)
Matt Snelgrove
Claire Robinson
Talei Atwell
Paul Leogreen
 Bronwyn Starke
Rebecca van Etten

Future Proofing and Resilience

Claire Robinson (Chair)
Hayden Doody
Heather Beard
Paul Leogreen
Hamish Bills
Jeremy Tucker (Future Leader)
Rebecca van Etten